Statement of Faith
1. Doctrine of the Scriptures
We believe that God has given mankind His Holy, inspired, eternal Scriptures, both the Old and the New Testaments, to instruct us in the truths we need for salvation, sanctification, and eternal life. We believe that Scripture is the final authority in all matters pertaining to life and Godliness, and is profitable for teaching, conviction, correction, and a continued walk in righteousness.
2. Doctrine of God
We believe in one God with three eternal distinctions: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. They are separate in personalities but of the same nature, specifically:
- God is Spirit and has always existed and will always exist (eternal)
-God is all knowing (omniscent)
-God is all powerful (omnipotent)
-God is everywhere present (omnipresent)
-God is unchangeable (immutable)
-God is holy, perfect, sinless, on always and only on the side of good.
3. Doctrine of Jesus
We believe that Jesus Christ is God, that He is eternal and that about 2,000 years ago He came to earth in the form of man. At that time, He was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary , and lived a sinless life as recorded in the Scriptures.
We believe that His primary purpose for coming to earth as the God-man was to become our sacrificial lamb, paying the penalty for our sins so that we might have the hope of eternal life.
After His death, Jesus was buried and rose again the third day according to the Scriptures, and after forty days of meeting with His followers following His resurrection, Jesus ascended into heaven where He is now seated at the right hand of God the Father, where He acts as our High Priest.
4. Doctrine of the Holy Spirit
We believe that the Holy Spirit is God and indwells every believer. The Holy Spirit is responsible for convicting us of our sinfulness, God's righteousness (holiness, sinless perfection), and the coming day of judgement. To those who turn to God in belief for salvation, the Holy Spirit regenerates and sanctifies the believer from spiritual death to new life in Christ.
We believe that the Holy Spirit's work in the lives of Christians includes:
-Filling us with His presence and His attributes
-Interceding for us with the Holy God
-Sealing unto the day of our redemption
-Quickening us (Motivating us to the good works we are called to do)
-Guiding us in the many choices and decisions we face in life
-Bestowing upon us spiritual gifts by which we may serve Christ and His Church
We believe that by our sinful thoughts, words, and actions, the Holy Spirit can be quenched, grieved , lied to, resisted and blasphemed.
5. Doctrine of Salvation
We believe that salvation is of God on the merit of the victorious death and shed blood of Christ Jesus. We believe that salvation is a free gift for all man, which excludes any possible merit on the basis of works. No person can ever live a life of sinless perfection necessary to enter into the presence and kingdom of a holy, sinless God.
We believe that the two inseparable doctrines in salvation are faith in God and repentance (turning back) of sin. We also believe in the eternal security of the believer, once saved, always saved, and that salvation cannot be lost.